Sedation Dentistry Near You

We understand that trips to the dentist can be unnerving for some patients. However, dental fear and anxiety should never stand in the way of seeking dental treatment and care. For this reason, we offer dental sedation near you in the form of nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and oral sedation in Sherwood, Park AB T8H 0Z9.

sedation dentistry in sherwood park

Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)

Laughing gas is an excellent way to combat dental anxiety for the majority of dental procedures. This is the mildest form of sedation dentistry in Sherwood Park, AB T8H 0Z9 that we use. You will simply place a comfortably fitting mask over your nose which an odourless gas flows through. Laughing gas induces a feeling of relaxation and a pleasant feeling of euphoria. This form of dental sedation near you is a great way for patients to undergo their required treatment while still having a very positive dental experience. Your dentist near you can easily customize the level of sedation for each patient. Note, that patients won’t experience short-term memory loss, nor will they need an escort to or from their appointment.

Oral Sedation

This form of sedation dentistry in Sherwood Park is also referred to as conscious sedation which involves taking a prescribed dose of sedative prior to your dental procedure. Patients will remain awake during procedures but will feel significantly more relaxed and remember very little or nothing from their appointment.

To learn more about sedation dentistry in Sherwood Park, AB T8H 0Z9, contact our dental clinic near you today.